Legal aid allows people who are admissible to benefit from legal services without cost or through payment of contributions.
Am I Eligible ?
To determine if you are admissible, Legal aid will consider your earnings, your estate (goods) and your liquidity and those of your partner (spouse?). Those are the three main factors that will determine if you are eligible or not and, if so, if you will benefit from Legal Aid at no cost or through contributions. Will be taken into account alimonies, bursaries and employment insurance. However, some earnings can be deducted, such as expenses linked to childcare costs, school fees that are deductibles from taxes, physical or significant mental disability or alimony effectively paid.
To verify if you are admissible to Legal Aid, consult the Montreal Legal Aid website, where you will find the information regarding the no cost legal aid or through contributions.
Take note that even if you are admissible to Legal Aid, not all services are covered. To make sure that your case will be covered, you may contact the Legal Aid office at (514) 842-2233.
Will Legal Aid pay for my lawyer?
If you are eligible to Legal Aid, you can also mandate a private lawyer. That means that you can have the lawyer of your choice, who will receive payment from the government.
Here are the steps to do so. First, you have to contact the lawyer of your choice. Then, you will direct yourself to the Legal aid office closest to you in order to sign a legal aid mandate. This document will then be transferred to the lawyer of your choice who will be able to take care of your case and defend your rights.
We take Legal Aid mandates in Montreal!
Riendeau Attorneys accept Legal Aid mandates for Montreal cases. Don’t hesitate to contact one of our lawyers at (514) 292-3688. They will be able to answer your questions and guide you through your eligibility process to Legal Aid and your criminal case.