Cannabis has been legal in Canada since October 17, 2018. However, what are the limits?
The sale of cannabis and the SQDC
Who can sell cannabis?
Only the Société québécoise du Cannabis can sell cannabis in Quebec.
21 and under
A person under the age of 21 cannot be admitted to the premises of the SQDC, and therefore cannot buy cannabis.
In addition, it is illegal to sell cannabis to a person under the age of 21 or to an adult who purchases it for that person.
Maximum purchase
Each adult has a limit of 30 grams of dried cannabis that they can purchase in one visit to the SQDC.
Are extracts and edible products legal?
Cannabis can be sold in the following forms:
- Dried
- Oil
- Fresh
Additionally cannabis extracts can be sold in Quebec as long as they have no more than 30% THC. As for edible products, they have been available on shelves since January 1, 2020. However, the regulations adopted by the government of Legault specify that these edibles cannot be “a delicacy, a confectionery, a dessert, chocolate or any other attractive product for people under the age of 21 ”.
Limits to Possession of Cannabis
21 and under
A person under the age of 21 is prohibited from possessing and giving cannabis.
Possession in a public place
First of all, by a public place, the law means any place to which the public has access as of right or by invitation, express or implied. In addition to parks or roads, public places also include cafes, bars, as well as your automobile.
If you are in a public place, you cannot be in possession of more than 30 grams of dried cannabis.
Possession in a private residence
The limit imposed for the possession of cannabis in a private residence is 150 grams of dried cannabis or its equivalent, regardless of the number of adults who live there. In addition, each adult cannot have a total of more than 150 grams of dried cannabis or its equivalent in several public places, regardless of the number of residences.
Places accessible to minors
It is also forbidden to possess cannabis in places accessible mainly to minors, such as:
- on the grounds, premises or in buildings providing preschool education services, elementary and secondary school instructional services, educational services in vocational training or educational services to adults in general education, of a college-level educational institution;
- on the premises or in the buildings of a university-level educational institution, except student residences;
- on the grounds and in the facilities of a childcare centre or day care centre, as well as on the grounds, on premises or in buildings used for detention.
If these are family-type resources located in private residences, such as home childcare, cannabis should be kept locked up. In addition, cannabis is required to be stored safely everywhere, in a place that is difficult for minors to access.
Is the consumption of cannabis in public places legal?
Smoking or vaping cannabis is now prohibited in any indoor or outdoor public place.
Growing cannabis at home
It is prohibited to grow cannabis for personal use or to own a cannabis plant, no matter what you plan to do with it.
Cannabis and driving
If you want more information on drug use before driving, please read our dedicated article: Drug charges while driving.
Smoking or using cannabis at work
Although pot is now legal, that doesn’t mean you can smoke at work. Indeed, the Law regulating cannabis specifies that an employer can regulate the use of cannabis, and even impose a total ban. You will need to check directly with your employer to find out what the policy is.